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    [上海涂料展]     更新时间:2024/4/17
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  • 欢迎访问2024中国国际涂料博览会 简称:上海涂料展,网加会展网提醒您,展会2024年时间暂未更新,如果您需要参观请联系主办方确认开展时间,提前做好出行计划,如果需要订展位可以在线提交需求,网加会展网将安排主办方招商专员和您对接,提供展位图及相关费用清单,对接过程中出现任何问题都可以第一时间请求网加会展网协助。

    上海新国际博览中心 E1、E2、E3 馆
    主办方: 中国涂料工业协会


    作为涂料界的知名展会,CHINA COATINGS SHOW 历经数载,已经成为中国及亚太地区乃至世界久负盛名的大型涂料涂装展览盛会。本届展会以“质量发展 科技赋能”为主题,旨在提升展会科技承载力,推动涂料行业及涂料上下游产业的绿色发展,进而推动科技创新、服务创新和环保创新;准确把脉涂料行业及整个产业链的现实需求与趋势变化,实现绿色工业化与信息化融合,构建绿色涂料上下游交流、展示、合作平台,创造行业发展的新契机。
    CHINA COATINGS SHOW 自 1995 年首届至今已经成功举办了二十届,展览范围覆盖整个涂料及相关产业链领域,已成为涂料界公认的集品牌宣传、产品展示、信息交流、业务拓展等功能为一体的重要平台,吸引着众多涂料及相关产业链企业的积**参与。

    CHINA COATINGS SHOW 作为涂料涂装行业专业展会,为涂料企业搭建了一座高端展示平台,它不仅邀请到了众多国内外涂料行业重量级企业,同时也吸引了来自钢结构、汽车、房地产、船舶机械、家具、纺织等涂料应用行业的积**关注,这一点,在保证有效观众莅临现场方面提供了重要保障。
       更重要的是,通过多年的酝酿和打磨,CHINA COATINGS SHOW已在众多厂商中建立起良好的信誉和口碑,这背后凸显了主办方中国涂料工业协会的影响力和号召力,其作为中国涂料行业唯一全国性 4A 级社会组织,拥有1500 余家会员单位,涵盖了行业 90%以上的市场份额,并具有二十多年展会服务经验,加之专业的管理团队、营销团队将为本届展会保驾护航,相信将会把本届展会的质量推上新高。参与展会的企业,也将得到线上预热、线下展出,通过云服务开辟线上高曝光展示空间,为展商提供360天加360度全方位推广的服务,让您**大程度地出现在公众视野中。

       通过多年来主办方中国涂料工业协会和社会各界的不懈努力下,涂料行业已渗透至日常生活的方方面面,人们对它的认识正朝着积**的方向稳步迈进,社会各界对涂料行业的理解也更趋成熟,在这样的背景下,CHINA COATINGS SHOW 已日臻完善,协会也将不负重托,全力为您营造一个更加宽松、更加适合您洽谈合作、互通有无的展会环境,为您开拓市场、结交行业友人出一份力、尽一份心。

    E1 原材料馆 : 涂料、油墨、黏合剂用树脂、颜填料及相关的原材料、助剂、溶剂等;
    E2 涂料馆 : 各种涂料(水性涂料、无溶剂涂料、高固体分涂料、粉末涂料、辐射固化涂料等环境友好型涂料、建筑涂料、工业涂料、特种涂料、高性能涂料)等;
    E3 智能制造及装备馆 : 生产 / 包装设备及装置;涂装工具 / 涂装设备;环保处理设备;检测设备、分析仪器、质检及研发仪器;安全、健康、环境及QT服务;表面处理设备及产品,地坪材料、地坪机械及设备。

    标准展位   国内企业(RMB)1580元/㎡
    空 地 国内企业(RMB)1380元/㎡
    两面开口展位:+5%  3面开口展台+7.5% 独立展台:+10%

    光地36㎡起租,不包括任何设施,参展单位需自行设计、装修, 另按展馆规定收取特装管理费。

    China International Coatings Expo will be held in Shanghai New International Expo Center E1 (raw materials), E2 (paint), E3 (equipment) pavilion.

    As a well-known exhibition in the coatings industry, CHINA COATINGS SHOW has been a prestigious large-scale coating exhibition event in China and the Asia-Pacific region and even the world over the years. The theme of the exhibition is "Quality Development Science and Technology Empowerment", which aims to enhance the carrying capacity of the exhibition technology, promote the green development of the coating industry and the upstream and downstream industries of coatings, and promote scientific and technological innovation, service innovation and environmental innovation; Accurately change the real needs and trends of the pulse coating industry and the whole industrial chain, realize the integration of green industrialization and information technology, build a green coating upstream and downstream communication, display, cooperation platform, and create a new opportunity for the development of the industry.

    CHINA COATINGS SHOW has successfully held 20 sessions since its first session in 1995, covering the entire coatings and related industrial chain areas, has become recognized by the coatings industry as a brand promotion, product display, information exchange, business development and other functions as one of the important platform, attracting the active participation of many coatings and related industry chain enterprises.

    CHINA COATINGS SHOW as a professional exhibition of coating industry, for paint enterprises to build a high-end display platform, it not only invited many domestic and foreign paint industry heavyweight enterprises, but also attracted from the steel structure, automotive, real estate, marine machinery, furniture, textiles and other coating applications industry active attention, which in order to ensure an effective audience to visit the scene provides an important guarantee.

     In addition, rich content, involving a wide range of professional fields of professional forums and activities will also become an effective guarantee of the success of the exhibition. They include the China Coatings Summit, the Board of Directors of the China Coatings Industry Association, the International Coatings Industry Development and Innovation Forum, the Coatings Industry Alliance Conference, the China Water-based Wood Coatings Competition, and professional forums in the fields of military coatings, engineering machinery coatings, rail transportation coatings, etc.

       More importantly, through years of brewing and polishing, CHINA COATINGS SHOW has established a good reputation and reputation among many manufacturers, which highlights the influence and appeal of the host China Coatings Industry Association, as the only national 4A-class social organization in China's paint industry, with more than 1500 member units, covering more than 90% of the market share of the industry, and has more than 20 years of exhibition service experience, plus professional management team, marketing team will escort the exhibition. Enterprises participating in the exhibition will also get online warm-up, offline display, through cloud services to open up online high-exposure display space, for exhibitors to provide 360 days plus 360 degrees of all-round promotion of services, so that you can maximize the public eye.

    Through the unremitting efforts of the china Coatings Industry Association and all sectors of society over the years, the paint industry has penetrated into all aspects of daily life, people's understanding of it is moving steadily in a positive direction, the understanding of the paint industry from all walks of life is also more mature, in this context, CHINA COATINGS SHOW has become increasingly perfect, the Association will not bear the burden of trust, to create a more relaxed, more suitable for you to discuss cooperation, exchange of opportunities for you to develop a market, make friends.

    The scope of the exhibits

    E1 Raw Materials Hall: coatings, inks, adhesive resins, pigments and related raw materials, additives, solvents, etc.

    E2 Paint Hall: a variety of coatings (water-based coatings, solvent-free coatings, high solid sub-coatings, powder coatings, radiation curing coatings and other environmentally friendly coatings, architectural coatings, industrial coatings, special coatings, high-performance coatings) and so on;

    E3 Intelligent Manufacturing and Equipment Hall: Production / Packaging Equipment and Equipment, Coating Tools / Coating Equipment, Environmental Treatment Equipment, Testing Equipment, Analytical Instruments, Quality Inspection and Research and Development Equipment, Safety, Health, Environment and QT Services, Surface Treatment Equipment and Products, Flooring Materials, Flooring Machinery and Equipment.

    The cost of the exhibition

    Standard booth Domestic Enterprise (RMB) 1580 yuan / m2

    Offshore Enterprise (USD) 380/m2

    Space Domestic Enterprise (RMB) 1380 yuan/m2

    Overseas Enterprises (USD): 350 yuan/m2

    Note: Additional charges

    Two-sided opening booth: : 5% 3-sided opening booth , 7.5% stand-alone booth: : 10%

    The surcharge applies to the light land

    Light land 36m2 rent, does not include any facilities, exhibitors need to design, decoration, in accordance with the provisions of the pavilion to charge special management fees.

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    信息来源:会展号 浏览:60974次
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